
Cast born on April 15, 1978 by his founder Alfonso Vidales. This first lineup presents Juan Carlos Ochoa on vocals and drums, Javier Rosales on Guitar, Gabriel Rosales on Bass, Rosales Lorenzo on drums, later replaced by Raul Montoya, and Alfonso Vidales in Keyboards ... In 1979 Cast published the first album of the band, a single titled "Complot" in two versions (Side A and B). And that year is the first live appereance in the “Café Literario” in Mexicali.
During the decade of the 80 `s Cast experienced significant changes in their lineup what would shaping their sound and style featuring current outstanding musicians who transcended. Thus in 1981 Dino Brassea integrates the band for various stages of the life of the group and then alternating vocals with Francisco Hernandez, who joins the band in that same decade. That year Enrique Slim is invited to play drums , Now together with the arrival of Rodolfo Gonzalez on bass rhythm section Cast starts constructing the high energy and symphonic sound that characterized the band.
A watershed in the history of the group is definitely the time Slim Enrique delivers the torch to Antonio Bringas in 1988, one of the most respected drummers in Mexico and thus take over the percussion of the band by injecting high energy and virtuosity .
Cast In 1993 opens "Castudio" and that gives the opportunity to record albums professionally and that opens the door to the prolific studio records of the band. The first album released in such studies is "Landing in a Serious Mind" (1994), and is definitely a great. After the release of their first album the band embarks on a new adventure of internationalization, achieving an invitation in the Pre-Progfest festival in the Barnsdall Theater in Los Angeles, USA, in 1995. This is a golden age cause the diverse international festivals which assists Cast in countries like the Netherlands, France, Finland, Italy, Spain, among others. Popularizing issues, now classics, such as Dragons Attack, Hidden Poems, House By The Spirit Of Forrest and Men. Increasingly Cast music reaches more corners of the earth. Presentations in England, Argentina and the United States confirm that. Thus thanks to cultural exchange with other countries born "Baja Prog" taking the band as hosts of the event
The productive activity of these years generated a great recognition not only for audiences who listen to Cast, but is reflected in magazines like Guitar World (2002) who lists the production "Angels and Demons" as one of the best albums of Rock Progressive history. Just as the band is known for books such as "Encyclopedia of Progressive Rock" by Jerry Lucky as one of the 50 best progressive bands of all time. Moreover Honourable David Cortez mention of the band in his book "El otro Rock Mexicano".
The year 2002 marks a time of renewal in the band, both in ideas and members. Joining Carlos Humarán on guitar, Kiko King on drums, Lupita Voices Acuna, Pepe Torres in winds and Flavio Miranda on bass adding new structures and sounds.
This new Cast era generates a record outside Mexico and conceived "Al-Bandaluz" album recorded largely in Jerez De La Frontera, Spain, managing to capture new sounds and textures. This renewal does not mean a break in the internationalization of the group as it reaches new frontiers such as Costa Rica, Brazil, Belgium and the far more distant place, Punta Arenas in Chilean Patagonia. The musical production is keeping a pace with albums such as "Nimbus" and "Mosaique".
Cast dynamics has always been and will be constant so that in 2006 the band is reset with new members and the return of important pieces in the group's history. The Chilean guitarist Claudio Cordero is integrated and announces the return of drummer Antonio Bringas, also singer Dino Brassea. This interesting mix makes album Com.Unión arises and is critically acclaimed for his virtuosity and energy. This alignment is the rightful today the 34th anniversary of the group. Without stopping, renews and reinvents Cast, always looking to improve in every way and thus comes to us all "Originalls" and finally "Cast Art" where there is no doubt that Cast is a band in constant evolution, always seeking to raise their acting.
Cast nace el 15 de abril de 1978 por inquietud de Alfonso Vidales. Esta primera alineación presenta a Juan Carlos Ochoa en Voz y Batería, Javier Rosales en Guitarra, Gabriel Rosales en Bajo, Lorenzo Rosales en Batería, sustituido más tarde por Raúl Montoya, y Alfonso Vidales en Teclados... En 1979 se edita el primer disco de la banda, un sencillo titulado “Complot” en dos versiones (Lado A y B). Y ese mismo año es la primera presentación en vivo en el Café Literario de Mexicali.
Durante la década de los 80`s Cast experimenta significativos cambios en su alineación lo que iría dando forma a parte de su sonido y estilo actual presentando a músicos sobresalientes que trascendieron. De esta forma se integra en 1981 Dino Brassea para varias etapas de la vida del grupo y posteriormente alternando las voces con Francisco Hernández, quien se une a la banda. Ese mismo año es invitado a participar el baterista Enrique Slim, que junto con la llegada de Rodolfo González en el bajo se construye la base rítmica del gran sonido energético y sinfónico que los caracterizó. En esta etapa Cast se concibe infinidad de composiciones que más tarde tendrán la oportunidad de ser grabadas en estudio.
Un parte aguas en la historia del grupo es sin duda el momento en que Enrique Slim hace entrega de la estafeta a Antonio Bringas en 1988, uno de los más respetados bateristas de México y así encargarse de las percusiones de la banda inyectando gran energía y virtuosismo.
En 1993 Cast inaugura “Castudio”; momento memorable, puesto que da la oportunidad de grabar álbumes profesionalmente y así se abre la puerta a la prolífica etapa discográfica de la banda. El primer álbum editado en dichos estudios es “Landing in a serious mind” (1994), y es sin duda un gran inicio con una intensidad que aún perdura en cuanto a trabajos editados en estudio. Después de la edición de los primeros álbumes la banda se embarca en la nueva aventura de la internacionalización, logrando una invitación en el festival Pre-Progfest en el Barnsdall Theater de Los Angeles, USA, en 1995. Esta es una época dorada por los diversos festivales internacionales a los que Cast asiste en países como Holanda, Francia, Finlandia, Italia, España, entre otros. Popularizando temas, ahora clásicos, tales como Dragons Attack, Hidden Poems, House By The Forrest y Spirit Of Men. Cada vez más la música de Cast llega a mas rincones de la tierra. Presentaciones en Inglaterra, Argentina y Estados Unidos lo confirman. De esta manera gracias al intercambio cultural con otros países nace el “Baja Prog” teniendo a la banda como anfitriones del evento
La productiva actividad de estos años generan un gran reconocimiento no solo por las audiencias que escuchan a Cast, sino que queda plasmado en revistas como Guitar World(2002) que cataloga a la producción “Angels and demons” como uno de los mejores álbumes de Rock Progresivo de la historia. De la misma forma la banda es reconocida en libros como la “Enciclopedia de Rock Progresivo” de Jerry Lucky como una de las 50 mejores bandas progresivas de todos los tiempos. Por otra parte David Cortez hace mención honorifica de la banda en su libro “El Otro Rock Mexicano”.
El año 2002 marca un tiempo de renovación en la banda, tanto en ideas como en integrantes. Se unen Carlos Humarán en guitarra, Kiko King en batería, Lupita Acuña en Voces, Pepe Torres en los vientos y Flavio Miranda en el bajo adicionando nuevas estructuras y sonidos.
Esta nueva época Cast genera la inquietud de grabar un disco fuera de México y se concibe “Al-Bandaluz”, álbum grabado en gran parte en Jerez De La Frontera, España logrando capturar nuevos sonidos y texturas. Esta renovación no significaría un receso en la internacionalización del grupo pues se llega a nuevas fronteras tales como Costa Rica, Brasil, Bélgica y el lugar hasta ahora más distante, Punta Arenas en la Patagonia Chilena. La producción discográfica sigue con gran ritmo con álbumes como “Nimbus” y “Mosaique”.
La dinámica de Cast siempre ha sido y será constante por lo que en el 2006 se rearma la banda con nuevos integrantes así como el regreso de piezas importantes en la historia del grupo. El guitarrista chileno Claudio Cordero se integra y se anuncia la reincorporación del baterista Antonio Bringas, asi como del cantante Dino Brassea. De esta interesante mezcla surge el album Com.Unión, aclamado por la crítica por su derroche de energía y virtuosismo. Esta alineación es a la que hoy le corresponde la celebración del 30 aniversario del grupo. Sin parar, Cast se renueva y reinventa, siempre buscando mejorar en todos los sentidos y de esta manera llega a todos nosotros “Originalls” y por ultimo “Cast Art” donde no queda duda que Cast es una banda en constante evolución, buscando siempre elevar su calidad interpretativa.

Cast born on April 15, 1978 by his founder Alfonso Vidales. This first lineup presents Juan Carlos Ochoa on vocals and drums, Javier Rosales on Guitar, Gabriel Rosales on Bass, Rosales Lorenzo on drums, later replaced by Raul Montoya, and Alfonso Vidales in Keyboards ... In 1979 Cast published the first album of the band, a single titled "Complot" in two versions (Side A and B). And that year is the first live appereance in the “Café Literario” in Mexicali.
During the decade of the 80 `s Cast experienced significant changes in their lineup what would shaping their sound and style featuring current outstanding musicians who transcended. Thus in 1981 Dino Brassea integrates the band for various stages of the life of the group and then alternating vocals with Francisco Hernandez, who joins the band in that same decade. That year Enrique Slim is invited to play drums , Now together with the arrival of Rodolfo Gonzalez on bass the rhythm section in Cast starts constructing the high energy and symphonic sound that characterized the band.
A watershed in the history of the group is definitely the time Slim Enrique delivers the torch to Antonio Bringas in 1988, one of the most respected drummers in Mexico and thus take over the percussion of the band by injecting high energy and virtuosity .
Cast In 1993 opens "Castudio" and that gives the opportunity to record albums professionally and that opens the door to the prolific studio records of the band. The first album released in such studies is "Landing in a Serious Mind" (1994), and is definitely a great. After the release of their first album the band embarks on a new adventure of internationalization, achieving an invitation in the Pre-Progfest festival in the Barnsdall Theater in Los Angeles, USA, in 1995. This is a golden age cause the diverse international festivals which assists Cast in countries like the Netherlands, France, Finland, Italy, Spain, among others. Popularizing issues, now classics, such as Dragons Attack, Hidden Poems, House By The Spirit Of Forrest and Men. Increasingly Cast music reaches more corners of the earth. Presentations in England, Argentina and the United States confirm that. Thus thanks to cultural exchange with other countries born "Baja Prog" taking the band as hosts of the event
The productive activity of these years generated a great recognition not only for audiences who listen to Cast, but is reflected in magazines like Guitar World (2002) who lists the production "Angels and Demons" as one of the best albums of Rock Progressive history. Just as the band is known for books such as "Encyclopedia of Progressive Rock" by Jerry Lucky as one of the 50 best progressive bands of all time. Moreover Honourable David Cortez mention of the band in his book "El otro Rock Mexicano".
The year 2002 marks a time of renewal in the band, both in ideas and members. Joining Carlos Humarán on guitar, Kiko King on drums, Lupita Voices Acuna, Pepe Torres in winds and Flavio Miranda on bass adding new structures and sounds.
This new Cast era takes the band to make an album outside Mexico and conceived "Al-Bandaluz" album recorded largely in Jerez De La Frontera, Spain, managing to capture new sounds and textures. This renewal does not mean a break in the internationalization of the group as it reaches new frontiers such as Costa Rica, Brazil, Belgium and the far more distant place, Punta Arenas in Chilean Patagonia. The musical production is keeping a pace with albums such as "Nimbus" and "Mosaique".
Cast dynamics has always been and will be constant so that in 2006 the band is reset with new members and the return of important pieces in the group's history. The Chilean guitarist Claudio Cordero is integrated and announces the return of drummer Antonio Bringas, also singer Dino Brassea. This interesting mix makes album Com.Unión arises and is critically acclaimed for his virtuosity and energy. This alignment is the rightful today the 34th anniversary of the group. Without stopping, renews and reinvents Cast, always looking to improve in every way and thus comes to us all "Originalls" and finally "Cast Art" where there is no doubt that Cast is a band in constant evolution, always seeking to raise their acting.