Discografia / Discography
Landing in a Serious Mind

1. The Magic Is Gone (7:56)
2. Rest In Your Nest (6:35)
3. I Just Wanna Be (5:30)
4. At Last Alone (6:02)
5. Not Sleeping (6:21)
6. Just Another Way (10:53)
7. Do What You Like (6:20)
8. Athens (6:43)
9. Reunion (7:13)
10. Chris Col (4:38)
Sounds of Imagination

1. Double Show (4:38)
2. Tribute (5:13)
3. Witness (5:54)
4. Dragon's Attack (7:20)
5. Walking In The Air (4:25)
6. The Man (5:08)
7. After All (6:06)
8. Chance Will Stay (6:33)
9. So United (4:14)
10. French Boyce (3:16)
11. One More To The Goal (3:50)
12. A Run In The Rain (10:49)
Third Call

1. Where The Wind Blows
2. Sleeping Fortress
3. Time In Space
4. Door Of The World
5. Static Dreams
6. I'm Waiting (personal favorite)
7. Veto Ben
8. House By The Forest
Four Aces

1. In the Light of Darkness
2. Introverture
3. Last Will
4. Galeno
5. 1.Echoes (From a House by the Forest)
2.So Close but So Far
3.No inspiration
6. SPVM (Instrumental)
7. Time to Time
8. Winter
9. Scenery
Endless Signs

01. Signs of future (4:56)
02. Hidden poems (8:33)
03. Spirit of man (10:48)
04. Endless signs (14:20)
05. Power games (8:15)
06. Allow me (6:27)
07. Mayday (6:27)
08. Nostrabamos (8:44)
Beyond Reality

1. The Rescue
a. Introduction (5:28)
b. To the 7th House of Huitzilopochtli (8:30)
c. The Rescue (7:27)
2. The North
a. Northern Place (7:56)
b. All The Way From Nowhere (5:53)
3. The Mirror's House
a. Marcato (5:46)
b. The Mirror's House (13:17)
4. Transparent Symbols (3:14)
5. Another Night (4:38)
Angels and Demons

1. Initiation (7:53)
2. We Don't Belong To Heaven (3:08)
3. Reality Or Misanthropy? (Mix-up) (6:31)
4. What We See/The Increasing Sorrow Of The Earth (8:54)
5. Angels And Demons (5:05)
6. Revealing Signs of Love (13:42)
7. Fallen Angel (3:18)
8. Loneliness (10:42)
9. Fire In The Sky, Fire On Earth (5:25)
10. White Lies? / Brief Story Of The Freewill (9:07)
A live Experience

CD 1:
1. Intro-Rescue (20:46)
2. Door Of The World-Mirror House-Solo Bateria (21:19)
3. Run In The Rain (10:32)
4. Echoes (19:37)
CD 2:
1. Static Dreams (8:07)
2. Reunion (7:19)
3. Magic Is Gone (8:08)
4. House By The Forest (6:10)
5.Winter (3:35)
6. Dragon's Attack (8:58)
7. Hidden Poems (9:05)
8. Spirit Of Men (8:51)
9.Transparent Symbols (3:18)
10. In The Light Of Darkness (8:09)
Imaginery Window

1. Moving Universe (8:46)
2. Alter Ego (4:38)
3. A Blossom In The Spring (4:03)
4. Dawn (5:06)
5. Simple Things (3:56)
6. Snail (2:49)
7. Around And Around (9:07)
8. Dessert Rainbow (2:12)
9. Cotton Dreams (6:33)
10. Imaginary Window (9:16)
11. Where's The Light (10:31)

1. Proemio [2:21]
2. Legacy's Executor [9:19]
3. Key of Life [9:30]
4. Celestial Garden [4:03]
5. Magic of Love [6:58]
6. Personal Status [4:30]
7. We Are The Ones [5:54]
8. Take A Look Back [7:41]
9. Beneficiaries [4:22]
10. Living Dreams [1:26]
11. Before Me [4:04]
12. The Will [4:40]
13. Conclusion [7:41]
Laguna de Volcanes

CD 1: (71:85)
1. Iniciacion (7:53)
2. La casa de los espejos (13:17)
3. Entre el bosque del tiempo (7:15)
4. Cosas simples (3:50)
5. Signos reveladores de amor (13:42)
6. F.B. (3:11)
7. Signos infinitos (14:20)
8. Uno mas a la meta (3:46)
9. Realidad o Misantropia? (6:31)
Disc 2: (70:63)
1. Ecos (4:50)
2. Universo en movimiento (7:31)
3. Boton de primavera (3:59)
4. Sueños estáticos (6:53)
5. Diazepan 50mg (8:05)
6. Solo una forma más (10:57)
7. Alter ego (4:35)
8. Solo quiero estar (5:28)
9. Juegos de poder (8:15)
10. La espera (7:29)
11. El fin (5:01)

1. Castopolis
2. Movieland
3. Yuridia
4. Never Expect Them To Smile
5. Infinity
6. Nature's Way
7. Illusion
8. Nightmare
9. October Winds

CD 1: 47:42
1. Viajero Inmóvil (7:09)
2. Jerezcali (Pueblo de Dos Mundos) (8:53)
3. Encrucijada (17:25)
a) Ascención
b) Retorno
c) Conversión
4. Lamento del Gato (9:55)
5. Damajuana (4:18)
CD 2: 48:28
6. Viento (5:01)
7. El Puente (22:02)
a) Vida Re
b) El Puente
c) Luz Al Final del Túnel
d) Valle de los Sueños
8. la Ballesta (8:46)
9. Ensamble Al-Mayá (5:27)
10. Ansia, Angustia, Desesperación (7:10)

1. Ladrona de Suenos (Part I) (5:26)
2. The 911 Suite (Part I) 911 (9:31)
3. The 911 Suite (Part II) The Next Day (3:16)
4. The 911 Suite (Part III) My New Home (2:03)
5. Volando En Uno Mismo (5:01)
6. Sucio Nino Bien (Part I) Sucion Nino Bien (5:55)
7. Sucio Nino Bien (Part II) Suenos De Platino (5:53)
8. Dias De Sol Y Lux (5:02)
9. Ladrona De Suenos (Part II) Puerto Prohibido (2:39)
10. Ladrona De Suenos (Part II) Tragicomedia (3:58)
11. Un Siglo De Invierno (Part I) Cataclismo (6:23)
12. Un Siglo De Invierno (Part II) Esperanza Austral (5:10)
13. En La Cueva Y El Bosque (3:20)
14. Reunion 2003 (5:16)
15. Bojarasca (5:28)
16. Extension 17 (4:34)
Piramid of the Rain

1. A Run in the Rain
2. So United
3. Mayday
4. Northern Place (Frodo's Dream)
5. The Rescue - Into [Live] ?
6. Hidden Poems [Live] ?
7. We Don't Belong to Heaven [Live] ?
8. A Run in the Rain [Live]

Disc 1 (52:43)
1. Azteca Imperial (8:49)
2. Signs Of Love (11:03)
3. Suenos Collectivos (10:02)
4. Jupiter (7:49)
5. Cruces En El Mar (3:32)
6. Hay Un Lugar (7:15)
7. Princesa Celestial (3:55)
8. Flaupepe (0:18)
Disc 2 (49:49)
1. Zona De Ilusiones (13:05)
2. Nino De Cristal - Parte Uno (5:18)
3. Nino De Cristal - Parte Due (4:23)
4. Cuerda Floja (8:23)
5. Flapepo (3:00)
6. Adapted For Your Eyes (5:48)
7. Nueva Luz (8:39)
8. Ara Imp (1:13)

1. Orogus
2. Al Bello
3. Fantasmas Y Demonios
4. Elfonía
5. Sensación Árabe
6. Damajuana II
7. Donde Se Visten Las Serpientes
8. El Cojín Verde
9. Cosas Simples
10. Hogar Dulce Hogar
11. Lobos
12. Io

CD1: 49:06
1. Originallis (4:16)
2. Pulsar (9:56)
3. Lagrimas De Hielo (9:59)
4. Fuego y Humo (7:55)
5. Vientos de Guerra (4:27)
6. Tierra Honor y Libertad (4:18)
7. Furia Traicion y Gloria (7:51)
8. Bonus (0:24)
CD2: 44:20
1. De Nuevo (0:08)
2. Renacer (9:23)
3. Llanto de Octubre (2:41)
4. Aqui y Ahora (4:58)
5. Al Final la Luz Que Llama (3:05)
6. Ecos del Pasado (3:21)
7. Todo Es Un Don (8:19)
9. Medley I (12:25)
Cast Art

I. 01 - Duction from the Intro (8:05)
II. Between the Face and the Mask
02 - a) A night of Candles / Our many hands (6:50)
03 - b) Handing a Challenge (4:00)
04 - c) Equal Strokes (3:50)
05 - d) Between the Face and the Mask / Reprise (10:09)
III. 06 - Return to Same (5:19)
IV. 07 - Ojales (2:39)
V. 08 - Selajo (3:21)
VI. The Rescue
09 - a) Intrada (3:50)
10 - b) Less Complicated / The Rescue (9:18)
11 - c) More Complicated (4:29)
12 - d) In front my Eyes (4:01)
VII. 13 - Pyro-Lamb (3:09)
Cast Arsis

1. La Iliada:
a) Atrida Agamenon. 4.29
b) Helena en la Muralla. 2.25
c) Diomedes el Tidida. 3.08
d) Andromaca. 6.42
e) Batalla Interrumpida. 5.10
f) Embajada a Aquiles. 3.03
h) En Donde Estabas?... 5.16
2. The Old Travel Book 9.10
3. El Puente:
a) El Puente. 6.22
c) Luz Al Final del Túnel. 4.02
d) Valle de los Sueños. 8.08)
Cast Vida

01. Dragon's Attack (8:22)
02. Silent War (7:02)
03. Change (9:14)
04. Run In The Rain (11:17)
05. House By The Forest (7:07)
06. Door Of The World (18:19)
Power and Outcome

1. Rules of the Desert
2. Power and Outcome
3. Details: a) Circle Spins,
4. Details: b) Start Again
5. Through Stained Glass
6. Ilusions and Tribulations
7. The Gathering
8. Conquest
9. Full Circle
10. Dialect for the 21st Century